New Pond Farm 2023


Our Animals

  • Three-Toed Box turtle

    This North American tortoise is native to the Mississippi River Valley from northern Missouri southward across southeastern Kansas and eastern Oklahoma into south-central Texas, and southeastward across western Tennessee and Georgia to the coastal lowlands.

  • Bearded Dragon

    One of our favorite animal residents is Callie.

    These friendly lizards are native to the subtropical woodlands, scrublands, savannas, shore areas, and into the great interior deserts of Australia.

  • Plated Lizard

    This lizard is native to the rocky desert of Sudan. They have been known to reach 45–70 cm (16 to 28 inches) in length, where the tail is less than half the length and can live up to 10 years in captivity. These omnivores (eat both meat and vegetation) are active during the day and eat […]

  • leopard gecko

    Leopard Gecko

    These small nocturnal lizards, adult females are typically 7 to 8 inches and males are 8 to 10 inches, are native to the rocky deserts and scrubby areas of South-central Asia. They have been known to live 15-20 years in captivity Their natural diet includes: insects such as crickets, mealworms, and locusts – Here we […]

  • Pueblan Milksnake

    These beautiful Non-poisonous snakes are often mistaken for the poisonous Coral Snake. Their patterning is reversed, just remember "Red touches yellow, kill a fellow, red touches black. okay Jack" to tell the difference.

  • Hognosed Snake

    In May 2013, Amélie joined our menagerie. She is now living in the Wildlife Room, on your next visit, stop in and say “HI”- you might need to look closely, she blends in with the bedding. To read more about Amélie, please click here.

  • Buff Orpingtons

    A golden colored, very calm and docile breed that lay brown eggs and are very hardy in cold weather.

  • Photos

  • Whites Tree Frog

    Found in Northern and Eastern Australia, New Guinea, and New Zealand. Can reach 3 to 4.5 inches, females are slightly bigger than the males, and can live to 16 years of age, but one reached 21 years in captivity.

  • Pigs

    Our pigpen is no empty for the season, please look for 2 new arrivals in the spring!

    Please stay tuned for updated photos.