101 Marchant Road, Redding, CT, 06896

(203) 938-2117

Field Trips For Organizations

Our staff members welcome the opportunity to share exciting programs with private groups. Whether you are a part of a Garden Club, Herb Society, Retirement Community, or another group, please give us a call to see what we can arrange that will inspire your members.

Here are just a few topics to consider:

Programs at the Education Center: Wildflower Walks in April and May; Tours of our Perennial Pollinator Gardens; Bird Walks; Farm Programs where you meet members of our herd and flocks and learn about our Dairy; Woodland Indians Programs with tours of our barked wigwam, thatched longhouse, and our Gathering Place which is filled with artifacts!

Programs at Your Facilities: Native Wildflowers; Native Wildlife; Eastern Woodland Indians and their use of plants.

For more information, please contact our Program Director, Emily Ciffone: 203-938-2117