Each spring, we welcome two piglets to the farm. They are usually eight weeks old when they arrive and weigh about forty pounds. The piglets live in our piggery, located behind our vegetable garden, just off our graveled Farm Road. It’s amazing to see how quickly they grow. By the time they leave us in mid-August, they will each weigh about 200 pounds!
Keeping Cool! Pigs do not have sweat glands and can easily overheat. Our pigs keep cool by resting in the shade of their shed and taking frequent mud baths! As the water in the mud evaporates, it provides them with natural cooling. The mud also acts like sunscreen for their sensitive skin, and it helps to protect our pigs from biting insects. Three cheers for mud!
In the video below, the early spring piggery looks beautiful with loads of vegetation. The piglets make quick work of this! Before we know it, they have redesigned their space to create one muddy pig pen!
For safety reasons, please do not reach through the fence when visiting the pigs.