101 Marchant Road, Redding, CT, 06896

(203) 938-2117

White’s Tree Frog

White’s Tree Frogs are native to Australia, New Guinea, and New Zealand.  Like all frogs they require a moist environment.  However, this frog is uniquely adapted to survive in slightly dryer conditions due to a milky white substance on their skin called caerviein which keeps them moist.  They also prefer to live in trees rather than ponds.  They will drink water that has gathered on leaves.  They will feed on insects such as locusts and moths.  Our frog loves to eat crickets. 

You’ll notice that we do not handle our frog, Winston, very often.  Like other amphibians, frogs absorb oxygen through their skin, and the oils on our hands pose a risk to clogging those pores.  When holding our frog, we are always sure to have wet hands to keep him happy and healthy.