A great way to contribute to New Pond Farm would be with appreciated stock, which offers the donor significant tax savings. By donating appreciated securities that have been held for at least twelve months, the donor may:
Thus, a gift of appreciated securities is particularly appealing because the donor avoids all capital gains tax on the appreciated stocks and also receives the charitable deduction on the full fair market value of the stocks. Gifts of appreciated securities are deductible up to 30% of the donor’s gross income. The “unused portion” of the contribution may be carried forward for up to five (5) more years. Thus the donor will reap more favorable tax treatment by donating the appreciated property directly to New Pond Farm, rather that giving New Pond Farm the proceeds of the sale. Please call us if you are interested and we can give you help and direction in the transfer of donated stock.
We would be happy to discuss with you other methods of contributions to New Pond Farm including trusts, life insurance and testamentary bequests. Each individual’s financial situation is unique, and the tax laws surrounding some charitable donations are complex. It is important to consult with a professional legal and/or financial advisor when planning a gift. New Pond Farm is a 501(c)(3) organization. Please contact New Pond Farm Education Center at 203-938-2117.