101 Marchant Road, Redding, CT, 06896

(203) 938-2117

Dairy Annex

We are very proud that CT’s Department of Agriculture has designated New Pond Farm as one of the State’s “Dairy Farm’s of Distinction”. This is because of our consistently superior milk quality and the overall beauty and cleanliness of our property.

Our dairy herd usually consists of fourteen cows. Four or five of these are in the milking rotation at any one time. They are milked in the early mornings and afternoons, and this can yield up to 25 gallons of milk a day. The milk is stored in the refrigeration tank located in the Dairy, and the farmers pasteurize and bottle the milk several times each week. Our milk products include milk, chocolate milk, and yogurt.  You may notice a delicious creamy layer on top of the milk and yogurt – this is because they are pasteurized but not homogenized.

Fun Fact: Our hard-working farm managers processed 6,000 gallons of plain milk, 1,400 gallons of chocolate milk, and 70 gallons of yogurt this year!

Our eggs are collected from the Coop each afternoon and can also be found in the Annex refrigerator.

If you are interested in the availability of our seasonal meats- pork, lamb, and beef- please leave a message for our farmers by calling the Annex at 203-938-2635 and leaving a message with your name and phone number.

Our products are available daily between 7 am and 7 pm.

Please bring the exact change or a check with you.