101 Marchant Road, Redding, CT, 06896

(203) 938-2117

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Interested in becoming a member, or just want to learn more about what we have to offer? Come enjoy the stunning landscape, the fascinating history, the diverse habitats, the varied wildlife, the multitude of educational opportunities, and the warm and welcoming staff. Attendees will have the opportunity to explore the property, visit with the animals,...

Gardening Drop-Ins

Stop by our vegetable garden to learn some of the many ways you can grow food for you and your family. Come just to observe and ask questions, or get your hands dirty and help out. This program is:Free No Registration Required

March Farm Chores

Dress for the outdoors and join farmers Mike or Rachel as they complete daily farm chores. Get a first-hand look at everything it takes to keep our chickens, sheep, and cows happy and healthy. Reserved for NPF Members! $15 per family Registration required. Please Register Here

Nature Book Club: Hidden Life of Trees, Peter Wohlleben

This program is now full Delve more deeply into nature, ecology and wildlife with a new book club focusing on science, conservation and natural history. Whether you’re an avid birder, a devoted gardener or an enthusiastic weekend hiker, you’ll expand your understanding of the world around us while also meeting folks who share a devotion...

Spring Equinox Campfire

Join us around the campfire as we celebrate the Spring Equinox with treats and stories. Learn what makes the day special as we consider the change of seasons. Reserved for NPF Members! This program is:Free. Registration required. Please Register Here

Spring Equinox Floral Design Workshop

This program is full, but we are taking a waiting list Join Susan Spanger of Bloomful Floral Design for a special floral design class that will allow you to unleash your creative side and usher in Spring, all in celebration of Mother Earth. This all-inclusive workshop will teach participants how to construct a low-profile Spring...

Canceled Early Dismissal- In the Kitchen (Grades 5-8)

School’s out early, why not spend the afternoon at New Pond Farm? Take the bus and enjoy an afternoon of hands-on fun with friends. WITH BUS SERVICE FROM JOHN READ MIDDLE SCHOOL! This program is:$30 per member child,$40 per non-member child Registration required, space is limited.

March Jr Staff: Animal Caretakers

This program is full, but we are taking a waiting list Love animals? Come learn the ins and outs of animal care. Focused on our resident mammals, reptiles, and amphibians, these hands-on programs will have Jr Staff helping with feedings, cleanings, health checks, enrichment, and more. This program is:Free for members,$10 for non-members Registration is...

From Prep to Plate: Yogurt Dip Recipe Challenge (New Date)

Test yourself in the kitchen with a yogurt- based dip challenge. Participants will work in teams to prepare, experiment with, and share their delicious sweet or savory yogurt dips which incorporate farm fresh foods. Includes a visit to the barn to learn how New Pond Farm’s delicious yogurt is made. This program is:$50 per member...

Storytime for Children with Adults, Ages 1 – 5

Join us each month for nature stories and related activities as we explore the seasons at New Pond Farm. Activities may include live animal encounters, nature crafts, walks on the property, and more. Each session will include an outdoor component - please dress accordingly. This program is:$10 per member,$15 per non-member.Adults and siblings under 1...

Little Artists (Ages 3 – 5)

This program is full, but we are taking a waiting list Drawing inspiration from the natural world, Little Artists will create beautiful and unique works of art using a variety of materials including wood, clay, paint, fabric, and yarn. Tuesdays: April 1, 8, & 22 This 3-part drop-off program is:$45 per member child,$60 per non-member...

April Nature Explorers (Ages 3 – 5)

This program is full, but we are taking a waiting list Get in on the fun during this monthly 3-part series full of outdoor nature adventures! Each week we will explore the property and make exciting discoveries in our woodlands, wetlands, gardens, and meadow. This child-led afternoon of outdoor play may include hikes, games, animal...

Nature Explorers (Grades K-2)

This program is full, but we are taking a waiting list Join us for this monthly 3-part series full of outdoor nature adventures. Each week we will explore the property and make exciting discoveries in our woodlands, wetlands, gardens, and meadow. Each month may include hikes, games, animal encounters, campfires, and more. Our focus is...

Egg Decorating Using Natural Dyes

This program is full, but we are taking a waiting list Join instructor Kristina Scaviola as she leads your family through creating uniquely dyed eggs utilizing natural materials. Go on a farm tour featuring our chickens as the dye sets. Kristina will also share the origin of this style of egg dying through the lens...

April Astronomy Night – Viewing the Night Sky

Join our knowledgeable team of volunteer astronomers on Astronomy Hill for views of constellations, star clusters, planets, and more! Gaze through telescopes, hear stories about the stars, watch a short slide presentation, ask deep questions, and connect with other night sky enthusiasts. This is an outdoor program, please dress for the weather and be prepared...