101 Marchant Road, Redding, CT, 06896

(203) 938-2117

Leopard Gecko

Did you know that some lizards can detach and then regrow their tails?  Luckily, our Leopard Gecko has never needed to drop his tail, but it is a great strategy to distract predators in the wild. After getting to safety, they will begin regaining their tails.  This is important because they store excess fat/energy in their tails.

They can be found in South-Central Asia’s rocky deserts and scrubby areas.  While ours gecko delights in eating mealworms and wax worms, their wild counterparts will also eat crickets, grasshoppers, spiders, beetles, caterpillars, flies, and even small scorpions.  Leopard geckos also opportunistically feed on smaller lizards, snakes, and newborn rodents if they stumble upon their nests.