101 Marchant Road, Redding, CT, 06896

(203) 938-2117


Each season brings with it special MEMBERS ONLY programs such as:

Caroling in the Barn with the Animals


This is the perfect way to begin the holiday season! Join us in the main barn, where we will sit on hay bales surrounded by our cows and sheep and be led in song by talented area musicians. Homemade cookies and fresh farm hot chocolate complete this special event.

Pancake Breakfast and Maple Syruping

Pull up a seat next to friends and neighbors in our cozy Common Room to dine on hot pancakes and bacon topped with strawberries and blueberries, and our own freshly made syrup! After you have had your fill, take a walk down to our sugar shed to watch and learn how sap from our sugar maple trees is transformed into rich syrup.

Old Fashioned Easter Egg Hunt

Bundle up for an egg-citing time on the farm. Children from toddlers to teens will hunt our beautiful pastures for hand-dyed eggs—different areas for each age group, and great prizes for all!

Birthday Parties

Our wonderful programs are hands-on and active, keeping your child and their guests involved throughout the program. Parties are available for children turning three and up and the program will be adapted to suit the age group of your guests.

Birthday parties are offered after school during the week and on weekends, September through June. Parties are not available in July and August due to our summer camp.


Adopt a Hive

In this unique hands-on program, you will suit up and work alongside our passionate beekeeper and educator, Ann Murray. Between April and October, you and Ann will coordinate several monthly visits so you can see firsthand how your hive progresses through the growing season. This will be a hands-on learning experience that you will never forget!


Visit A Hive

We have a new program available where you, and up to three family members, can enjoy a visit to a beehive (borrowing a bee suit from us for the day) and help our beekeeper and educator, Ann Murray, with an inspection of one of our active colonies. This one visit opportunity is a great chance to actually look inside a working hive, without committing to the full season Adopt-a-Hive program.

New Members’ Day

Please keep your eyes on our seasonal calendars. We look forward to hosting “New Members’ Days” several times a year. Please come on over to meet the staff, join us for a tour of the property and barnyard, and learn more about your membership benefits!