101 Marchant Road, Redding, CT, 06896

(203) 938-2117

Tile Wall

tile-wallWhen you enter our Learning Center you will be greeted by breathtaking works of art! Renowned artist Marion Grebow devoted years of her time and talent, hand-sculpting several hundred tiles for two unique walls that will enhance our  visitors’ experience.

Together the Barnyard and Pasture Walls illustrate the mission of the organization and at the same time highlight local species of flora and fauna that can be found on and around the farm.

The Barnyard Wall’s central mural showcases activities that our students and campers have enjoyed through the years such as milking cows, feeding piglets, collecting eggs, and meeting chicks.

The equally spectacular Pasture Wall, completed and installed in February 2015, details activities that take place in our rolling pastures like bird watching, beekeeping, stream studies, vegetable gardening, sheep shearing, stargazing, and many others.

We are grateful to the individuals, families, and businesses that sponsored these tiles. They represent a significant portion of the Capital Campaign that supported the creation of the Learning Center.

The Tile Wall Project was dedicated by the artist and the Board to Executive Director Ann Taylor, “with love and respect for her remarkable vision and dedication that made a dream a reality.”