101 Marchant Road, Redding, CT, 06896

(203) 938-2117


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Shrinky Dinks!

Design and personalize either a pair of earrings or two unique pins. Watch as your creations magically shrink and transform into wearable art! This program is:$20 per member,$30 per non-member...

Canceled An Intro to Embroidery

Learn to embroider with a master embroiderer! You will learn a variety of common embroidery stitches while creating a small floral design. All materials will be provided including a small...

Geology Walk

Explore evidence of the geological processes that created New Pond Farm’s 102 acre landscape over 450 million years ago. Join Geologist Bruce Ward on a guided walk to the top...

Creating Dairy Deliciousness: Homemade Cheese

This program is full, but we are taking a waiting list Get ready to embark on a delightful culinary journey. This interactive cheese-making adventure will create lasting memories as you...


Interested in becoming a member, or just want to learn more about what we have to offer? Come enjoy the stunning landscape, the fascinating history, the diverse habitats, the varied...


Interested in becoming a member, or just want to learn more about what we have to offer? Come enjoy the stunning landscape, the fascinating history, the diverse habitats, the varied...

Gardening Drop-Ins

Stop by our vegetable garden to learn some of the many ways you can grow food for you and your family. Come just to observe and ask questions, or get...

March Farm Chores

Dress for the outdoors and join farmers Mike or Rachel as they complete daily farm chores. Get a first-hand look at everything it takes to keep our chickens, sheep, and...

Spring Equinox Campfire

Join us around the campfire as we celebrate the Spring Equinox with treats and stories. Learn what makes the day special as we consider the change of seasons. Reserved for...

Spring Equinox Floral Design Workshop

This program is full, but we are taking a waiting list Join Susan Spanger of Bloomful Floral Design for a special floral design class that will allow you to unleash...

Early Dismissal- In the Kitchen (Grades 5-8)

School’s out early, why not spend the afternoon at New Pond Farm? Take the bus and enjoy an afternoon of hands-on fun with friends. WITH BUS SERVICE FROM JOHN READ...

March Jr Staff: Animal Caretakers

This program is full, but we are taking a waiting list Love animals? Come learn the ins and outs of animal care. Focused on our resident mammals, reptiles, and amphibians,...

Storytime for Children with Adults, Ages 1 – 5

Join us each month for nature stories and related activities as we explore the seasons at New Pond Farm. Activities may include live animal encounters, nature crafts, walks on the...