Thank you to everyone who helped make the 2024 tour a success!
We hope to see you for the next one in 2027!
For the Love of Gardening
Garden Tour 2024
Saturday, June 15
10 am-5 pm
(Rain or Shine)
Garden Tour Only $60 / Garden Tour & Lunch $80
Lunch Reservations must be made by June 8th,
Tour-Only Reservations must be received by June 10th
Every three years, we partner with the Redding Garden Club to bring you a self-guided tour of several private gardens here in Redding, CT. This year will include a joyful tour of eight exceptional gardens which you won’t want to miss!
As you tour these unique gardens, we invite you to enjoy the delicious boxed lunch, from
The Sand Wedge Deli & Catering, which will be available for pickup here at the farm
between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m.
We hope you will join us for this exciting fundraiser that will benefit both New Pond Farm Education Center and the Redding Garden Club.
Lunch Choices
(must be paid for by June 8)
1. Roast Beef and Field Greens with Horseradish Dressing on a Hard Roll
2. Chicken Salad with Field Greens on a Croissant
3. Cranberry-Walnut Salad with Tomatoes, Cucumbers, Raisins, Red Peppers, and Balsamic Vinaigrette (VEGAN/GLUTEN FREE ALTERNATIVE)
All choices are served with chips, fruit salad, a sweet, & bottled water.
2024 Gardens
1. “Between a Barn and a Hard Place”
The garden’s name pays homage to all the stone on the property. Sculpted topiaries, mature trees, and a mix of formal and native plantings are just some of its wonderful treasures.
2. “A Cottage Garden”
When a falling tree severely damaged our house, we redesigned, installing a front walkway and driveway, adding shrubs, perennials, and groundcovers, and creating an area perfect for a pollinator garden.
3. “117 Limekiln”
The land rises to embrace the house as hollyhocks, foxgloves, veronica, and heliopsis fill the flower beds. Behind the fence is the pool with its own garden, clearly inspired by a Japanese aesthetic.
4. “Deer Abbey”
Our first 10 years of gardening provided the wildlife with a bountiful buffet. Now, we have a small orchard, perennial gardens, a woodchuck-proof vegetable garden, and pollinators that bring us great joy.
5. “Joie de Vivre”
Our 5.75 acres include wetlands, woodlands, and lawn, a vegetable garden, dining pergola with grapevines, and a stone patio for entertaining. As an interior designer, I’m fond of creating exterior rooms.
6. “Foxfield Farm”
Blue periwinkle, pink kousa dogwood, and oakleaf hydrangea flank the barn of this renovated farm. You’re invited to walk the bridle path, find the hidden cobble well, and discover “Apple Alley.”
7. “Pollinator’s Paradise”
Butterflies and bees busily pollinate sun-loving perennials while winterberries, hollies, and blueberry bushes give birds plenty of dining options. Our newest border garden, the “Anticipation Garden,” is classic part-sun, part-shade
8. “Sunnyview Gardens”
A drainage crisis led to a rebuilt landscape, large-scale border, and cutting garden with thousands of seedlings. The lawn space is shrinking in favor of plants. And who doesn’t want more plants?!