New Pond Farm 2023


More Than a Chicken Coop

If you have been over to New Pond recently you were sure to notice the charming new Chicken Coop in its new location near the Cow Barn. New Pond Farm’s dedicated Teaching Staff and the Board of Directors agreed that it was time to enhance our educational programs with a coop that was a more hands on facility where visitors could easily view the chickens and learn about what goes into caring for them. The “Coop Project” became a major focus for the Buildings & Grounds Committee and more involved than anyone anticipated.
Board member, Marion Hichwa, had the experience of raising chickens in the past and also put in considerable time researching the project before she drew a rough floor plan.
This was then given to Parker Coates, who normally designs houses, but was intrigued by he project and volunteered to design the coop. After consulting with the B&G committee and going over all details to make
sure everything was just right, he came up with a structure that pleased all of us.
When we went to Redding’s Zoning Department we learned that because the coop would now be an educational facility it had to meet certain standards for the health and safety of visitors as well as the chickens. The plans were then turned over to architect, Sam Callaway designer of New Pond’s ILC, to make changes and additions that would keep us in compliance.
We were finally ready to put the Coop Project out to bid. We had three reputable builders look at the plans and met with them to make sure we were all on the same page. Jon Fahan was the chosen builder and he was looking forward to getting underway. We also had the funding to cover expenses for the coop thanks to generous contributions from several families that knew of the coop project and specifi ed their donations to our Anniversary Campaign go toward the coop. Sincere and heartfelt thanks to Heidi Green and Michael Kluger, the Coates Fund, Jean and Fred Schroeder, Grant and Kristen Mudge.
However, Mother Nature still rules and there were a number of delays due to snow and rain storms-which everyone can relate to! Once construction was started things went smoothly. As worked progressed a few visitors stopped by to see if the little cottage was going to be for rent! Jon has truly brought our long dreamed about coop to fruition and by the time this goes to print our lucky chickens should be happily ensconced in their new home. We hope you will share in their and our excitement.


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